Virtual Experiences
Able Alchemy has created two unique sound bath series to tackle emotional awareness and breaking toxic patterns.
These are containers to reflect, release and integrate. As we heal ourselves we heal the world.
Emotional Awareness Sound Bath Series
A Virtual Sound Bath Series working through the emotions of Anger, Sadness, Fear and Joy. Dive deep into these feelings and relax with soothing mantras in meditation.
The series includes 4 journaling exercises prior to each meditation. Take this time to reflect on your emotions and how they have impacted you in the past and present.
4 sound bath meditations around each emotion. This is a time to let your body feel and heal around the intention and mantra.
Conclude the series with a mini tarot written reading, where you receive some extra guidance on how to integrate your new learnings and feelings.
Breaking Patterns Sound Bath Series
A Virtual Sound Bath Series working through the toxic cycles of Codependency, Addiction, Victimhood and People Pleasing. Dive deep into these patterns and begin to release their hold with reflection and soothing mantras in meditation.
4 journaling exercises around each toxic pattern to help you see the root of patterns and cycles in your life.
4 sound bath meditations with soothing mantras and intention around each pattern.
Read a mini written tarot reading after you complete the series to help integrate these new learnings.
What people are saying
“I signed up for the four virtual sound baths and listen to them periodically. They have been extremely helpful. Not to mention I have been able to get a better understanding of where some of my anger and fears are derived from.”
— An Emotional Awareness Sound Bath Series participant