I am the Calm

I am the calm within the storm.
I am light in the darkness.
I am inner peace during the destruction.
I am a rising phenix from the ash.

When life gets hard, there are lessons to be learned.
There are new beginnings on the other side.
There is beauty in the breakdown.

I am a physical representation of the yin and yang.
Balance between masculine and feminine.
A tuning of tradition and experiment.
I do things differently than those before me.

I let go of the judgment, fear, and expectation.
I am the only thing holding myself back.
What doesn’t flow, goes.

I am love. I give and receive. My heart is open.
I love myself and others.
I feel called to help heal those around me.

I choose light, but am not afraid of the dark.
The shadows reveal truth, and truth is sacred.

I make mistakes, I am not perfect, yet I am enough.
I am strength. I am safe within my own body.

My body is intelligent. I trust my body.
What I feel is real.
I lean into my body’s intuition.
I am allowed to feel pleasure, unapologetically.

I am the creator of my external reality.
I am a master manifester.
I am able to have everything I want in this life.

I will continue to trust.
I will continue to share.
I will continue to flow.

I am the calm within the storm.


The Wounded Healer